Monday, January 25, 2010

Keeping it real

I'm a little frustrated right now! I promise I'm not bi-polar even though it seems like I am. I'm just keeping it real.

I wish I was perfect and I wish everything I did in life I did perfectly.

I wish I was the perfect wife.
I wish I was the perfect mom.
I wish I was the perfect friend.
I wish I was the perfect daughter.
I wish my house was perfect.
I wish my body was perfect.
I wish my face was perfect.
I wish my hair was perfect.
I wish I sewed perfect.
I wish every picture was a perfect picture.

I wish I was perfect and I wish everything I did in life I did perfectly.

Nothing in my life ever came easy to me but yet I've always demanded perfection. I ended up walking away from so many things. I'm a total nerd and say way too much...1 am and cookie dough is not the brightest idea.

What exactly is perfect and why do I keep comparing myself to it? Anyone know what perfect is? Who knows...but I sure get super frustrated trying to live up to this expectation that I'm not sure what it even is. I'm starting to tyumble (mumble but the typing version) I better hit the sack pronto!

Here's a shout out to all those blogs that keep it real! Hands down those are the best blog posts around..thanks ladies for giving me the courage to "keep it real" and not try to be what I'm not....perfect!


  1. No worries about the ramblings. I think we all have an image of what we would like our lives to be like and strive to make things a little bit closer to it but know there's always something that needs improvement. Isn't that part of the journey though? Always trying to improve something. Luckily there are joys along the journey that we get to enjoy and we don't have to be perfect to be happy and have happy families. :) I love your blog though, keep it up, you're awesome.

  2. uh...sounds like we need some lady time tonight! See ya at 7:00!

  3. what's perfect? you're pretty damn close mc!!!
