Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Laugh a little

I think we are so blessed to have children in this world for so many reasons but today my little man reminded me of two very important ones. First simple moments and simple things are the BEST things in life. Some of my very favorite moments are the simple ones with my kids. With my little man its when sassy pants is taking a nap or sleeping in and we just talk, about everything. With my sassy lady its the sweet little snuggle we have before she goes to sleep or takes a nap. Or when we all snuggle up and read books.

This morning little lady was sleeping in so little man just talked and laughed over such simple things. He was talking about a cartoon he watched at school, he laughed and laughed which made me laugh. Kids remind us to laugh more, I wish I laughed as much as my little ones do.

New goal be more like my little man...enjoy the simple things and LAUGH A LOT!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tuckered ballerina

Babies...its what I've been up to...more coming..hopefully!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Its rare in CV Dec-Feb so I ceased the moment.