clearly not getting what she needs
Hey where did they all go?
Yum I have all I need, right here!
Eating off the grass just isn't fast enough!These pics are super old but I didn't have any lovely pics of me cramming my face full of food or I would have posted it.Remember the old saying, "Enjoy every morsel of food" or wait maybe it was "Chew at least 15 times with every bite" nah it was "Lose weight by slowing down, enjoying every morsel, and chew 15 bites with each scoop". Okay fine I am making it all up, but I know there is somewhere out there that says eating slow and enjoying your food is so much better for you.
I used to consider myself a easy going moderate to slow eater. I would have to admit that now I am a speed that food might just run away kind of eater. This of course is not by choice, I feel I have adapted to the need to speed eat. Let me explain...
a. When you first have a kid you speed up the eating process because, let's be honest you become a milk factory and as soon as you are finally finished feeding its time to start it all over again.
b. Then the kid is big enough to eat solid foods (yay, relief for the jugs) and every bite takes an extremely long time, including the time you spend scooping up everything that keeps falling out. Plus you never want to chance eating at the same time for fear of accidentally scooping the wrong goods into your mouth (although baby food peaches are delicious). By the time you are done with the babe you just want to get the food thing over with.
c. The kid is big enough to feed himself and you fall into the "danger zone". I can't even count how many times chunks of food have pelted me in the face, or that sweet slobbery chunk that just landed in your perfectly slobber free plate. Speed eating becomes a necessity.
d. Your food becomes his food. You always want what you can't have and your food looks SO much better then the same food they have. One bite for you one for him. It becomes quite the battle on who can finish the bite first.
e. The house won't clean itself. Let's be honest, who has the time to really sit down and enjoy their food? You are a mom, there are things to be done and taking the time to fix and actually enjoy the meal is out of the question. I am lucky to get a meal, double lucky if its warm when its supposed to be warm.
Meal time is always an adventure, and quite honestly I love it. Although they are fast they have also been some of the best moments with my kids. I just know I will never end up on an infomercial for losing weight by enjoying every morsel and taking 15 bites with each scoop.
Maybe we should just start eating out....HA!
more on this later...