Thursday, August 19, 2010

Puddles of happiness

she is diving for me trying to look at her pic...its blurry but I love it!
she is loving her tongue lately

Her poor eye and sweet cheese beneath the binks
Since my pics don't make the cut to end up on V-Ville I will post them here...for me :)

(below was my post for V-Ville which explains the title and pics:))

I have to admit I was filled with glee when I woke to the sound of rain and thunder. I love the rain, so do the little ones. We spent most of the morning snuggling, playing, and laughing in our bed. Then as I was attempting to take a 1/2 decent picture of the little lady and her beat up eye I decided nothing brings happiness more then splashing in puddles of rain, so out we went and happiness we did.

I can't stand the pics posting here at blogger...or maybe it is just user error but it blows!


  1. aw sweet pics, im glad to see that Lauren is doing okay! Im with ya on the glorious rain, we were loving it this morning as well, just didnt get as adventurous and go play in it...your post makes me wish we did :)

  2. Wow mc love these! How can a girl look so cute even with that poor little eye. I love when you post your pics. You do a great job! Are you so sad about kindergarten? I've got mixed emotions maybe after we can get together and cry together!

  3. I haven't even had time to think about kindergarten, but now that you mention it I might just break down and cry! I can't believe it :( we really need to get together so I can stop being a hermit! I want to see that sweet little lady. I need to see more pics...share the love lady!
