Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Carpet where?

Growing up we had a carpeted kitchen. Not the sweet shag kind, that would be brutal! It was a flat weaved kind that pretty much doubled as a massive rug. It had every color of the rainbow and then some, total sweetness. All growing up I thought who on earth would ever, ever put carpet in a kitchen. Even after I've moved on with my life and house shopped myself whenever we would see a house with carpeted kitchen I would turn my nose up in disgust thinking, who on earth would ever want carpet in a kitchen?

I am lucky enough to have a home with lovely wood floors throughout my kitchen and down my hall. This morning at 10:00am as I was sweeping my floor for the second time in one day I had a shocking thought. I honestly said to myself, " having carpet in a kitchen might be nice" eek! I'm not sure what it is about sweeping but vacuuming just seems SO much easier. Maybe its because it does all the work for you, or that I can count it as calorie burning (for real, its on there for physical activity) but it just doesn't seem as brutal as taking the broom out AGAIN.

If we ever build again (not likely) I would actually entertain the thought of possibly putting carpet in the kitchen. I'm sure we will be so advanced by then if I ever spilled liquid it would either clean itself or I could just cut out the wet spot, spray it with the hose, bring it back in and have it mend itself...oh baby! Until then the sweeping will continue...woot woot!

Note to self: having a one year old that likes to LAUNCH her food everywhere doesn't help my sweeping revolt. Babies are fantastic!

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