Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sneaky Sneaky

if only I looked this fashonista!

Today I discovered one more way I have a little of my mom in could I be so lucky!

When I was younger I always remember my mom sneaking into the cupboard, rustling of a wrapper, slowly sliding her face into the cupboard emerging with the look of I've got a secret and jaw moving ever so slowly. When I was little little I didn't get it, when I got older I would sneak into the cupboard to find out just what exactly she was sneaking. Rare occasions I would actually find it, the other times I would spend my time emptying the whole cupboard only to find bitter sweet chocolate and rock hard raisins...YUCK! (I always wondered if she had some secret cupboard hiding the goods...back of course when I had a fun kid I'm old and WAY too logical)

Today I finally realized why my mom did that (do you blame her honestly...7 kids I would be downing the little moments of heaven number 1 for my sanity, number 2 because if I didn't eat them all my kids would). She needed a little moment of heaven and she found it through a special little treat, just for her.

Today I found myself distracting the little man while I ever so slyly snuck a treat. My treat of course is never the sweet smooth delight of chocolate (not that I would know since I don't like it) its the fruit snacks I supposedly bought after my little man begged me to get them...ha I fooled him, right?

Goes a little like this....
What? you want Gushers....oooh they are more expensive! (pause) But since you've been such a good guy grab 5 boxes, okay fine let's make it an even 6.
"Wow that's a lot mama"
Its for food storage little guy (let's be honest, not one of those 6 boxes will ever see the inside of my food storage let alone the next week)

Moral of this post is:

1. I get why my mom had "special things" just for her, even though back then I thought it was so "MEAN"

2. I think all mamas need a little moment of heaven throughout the day.

3. Reading back this post I look like a sneaky liar...sweet I rock! (Okay I really am not that bad, I have the sweetest storage is a good idea I just eat it before it can ever make it down there:)

*I think the little man might be on to me because when he asks for a fruit snack and I say...oh no they're all gone...tears well in his eyes and he says MAMA you ate them all... TOTALLY BUSTED!


  1. Oh my word! This is hilarious! I do the exact same thing! I need to go buy some gushers pronto.

  2. Ha, ha. I'm so glad I'm not the only mom who sneaks treats. However, I'm with your mom, chocolate is the best!

  3. I'm a treat sneaker too. Sometimes I'm a drink sneaker too. I hate sharing my drinks so when they're not looking it's pure bliss.
