Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is that a CHEVY??

Sneak peek at my super fun shoot today!! WOOT WOOT

What a stud!
ha ha love this!! don't you love my new v-day chair? thanks sweets!
Can we say Abercrombie?

Super cute!
Might as well take advantage of that sweet Chevy in my back yard that I just found out says...and I quote "takes a stud to build a house" freakin hilarious!! Thanks neighbor!

I really, really, really need to learn Photoshop! No worries its on my list of "to do's" along with running a pageant that I have no idea how to do..woot woo!


  1. Amazing pictures! Those kids are model material! You don't even need to photoshop these, what are you talking about? They really do look fantastic. I LOVE that chair. You are trying to tell me that you own that beautiful piece of furniture along with your mirrored chest of drawers?! Seriously lady, I am starting to get super jealous.

  2. Great pics! I think they are quality!!! Keep up the good work! I need to talk to you about the canon software. I finally put it on my laptop yesterday and am trying to figure out how to use it. Need some tips...
