Monday, November 1, 2010


Awhile back I wrote a post on why I wanted to be a photographer and what made all the time, effort, and stress worth it. One of my friends posted this lovely family and their sad story which over time has become super popular (the post I linked to was the first story I read). I cried (ok let's be honest I bawled) and read on, post after post. Every time I open this blasted blog I bawl hysterically.

There are plenty of thoughts that enter my head when I read about the loss of their little girl and how hard that would be but there is one that always comes to mind. I bet they cherish the pictures/videos of Preslee's more then anything. I love the one of her holding and smiling at her sweet baby girl. I can't imagine how much that one picture means to her.

I started to think if anything happened to my kids do I have enough of those sweet cherished pictures of me holding, laughing, and loving my sweet babies. The truth is I don't. I am always the one behind the camera, moms usually are. I hate to even think about anything ever happening but the truth is we just don't know, its something we can never have full control over.

Challenge on...put yourself in front of the camera. Don't wait to take pictures, make it happen even if you aren't looking super fantastic, they will be memories you and your family will cherish forever.

Here is my good friend Becky with some of her sweet kiddos

1 comment:

  1. I found that blog a week ago too and was also getting a little teary eyed.
