Thursday, July 8, 2010

In a nut

I am shocked its already July....really? Its amazing how fast time really does fly. My life has been in serious jet mode and I haven't taken the time to write it a few thoughts and my life in a small nut!

The kids are growing up way too fast! Little lady is already over a year and walking/wobbling all over the place. She is starting to talk and says hot (sounds like hhhhhhhaaaaaa, with plenty of throat involved) what's that (blending into a whooshing noise) and of course Dada. Apparently the word mama is pretty much chop liver to her. She has some serious spice and she for sure makes it a spicefest around our house but we are loving her little personality.

Little man is a dang good kid, I honestly couldn't ask for more. He just turned 5! He is super smart, dang cute, and makes us laugh everyday (I'm not partial at all though). He has his moments as every kid does but is a huge help and a real treat to be around. At the moment he is into racing cars off the lounge chair on the deck, playing with friends every moment of the day (playing with mama is already...not cool and not fun...why do kids have to grow up?), and wants to be outside every second of everyday.

As cheesy as this sounds my man friend just keeps getting better and better! Everyday I get to remind myself that he really is the best hub/papa I could ever ask for. He is simply amazing and I am so lucky to have him.

Its official! I have my very own RPM class and I LOVE IT!!! At first I thought it will be nice to get my workout in and get paid (if you can call it that...ha!) but now it has nothing to do with the workout or the money, I'm in love with the people. The opportunity to be a part of their life and hopefully helping them change, for the better! It is so amazing. Its helped me realize I straight up love people, sorry but I do! I am extremely grateful for that quality I've been blessed with.

I am taking pictures like a mad women and I love it. I still get super frustrated with myself because I wanted to be an amazing photographer...yesterday! I finally figured out why I love to take pictures and why I've always wanted to be a photographer. I am the 6th child out of 7, yikers that is a ton of kids...I am dying with 2. Needless to say I don't have very many pictures of me.

I'm not going to lie it makes me really sad and I can't tell you how much I would cherish having pics of when I was little/growing up chilling with my mom/dad/siblings/favorite toys etc. I want to be a part of those cherish memories for that family and give them something they will love and cherish for many years to come. I love being a photographer and I hope I will just keep getting better and better.

My house is a mess, now and pretty much always.

I'm still staying up way too late and waking up way too early.

I decided I don't like having birthday's on same days...too much pressure!

I still have NO will power when it comes to treats

Last but not least...I am so in love with summer!

I'm sure there is plenty I am leaving out but I can't seem to keep my eyeballs open any longer.



  1. It's great that you love people. Sounds like your life is very full. I want to see more of these pictures your taking.

  2. Busy busy girl. Sounds like things are going really well at the Vinton home. I hope I get to start seeing you more and I agree, I definitely want to see more of the pictures you have been taking!
