Sunday, July 11, 2010


Its a new word I made up to describe myself. I hate to admit it but this is how I came up with it!

I'm not sure what it is about men being sick but my man friend as much as I love him is painfully D R A M A T I C when he gets sick. The same SMALL cough the baby had turns into BRUTAL my lungs could collapse at any moment cough. The SMALL stuffy nose the little man had is backed up deeper then the Hoover Dam and he could need breathing treatments at any moment. Its true people, he doesn't say it but I know he thinks...sure hope she has the phone handy in case she needs to dial 911.

This is where I come in and my new word sympathizless. I know this is when I should be loving, holding, and coddling my sweet man friend but I am polar opposite. Every cough, every moan (yes there are constant moans) makes me cringe. The dramatics of it all is just to much, I have no sympathy...eek!

Maybe its because when the lady friend of the house gets sick the show must go on. Just because I am sick doesn't mean the house doesn't need cleaning, dishes need washing, dinner needs making, kids need constant care. My life doesn't stop because I'm sick, just gets slightly more uncomfortable.

Or maybe its because I was number 6 out of 7 kids and if I was sick my parents probably didn't even know or if they did they didn't have time to dote on me so I learned to buck it up! I'm not sure what it is exactly that's made me this way but I am terrible! I would much rather deal with a sick child any day then a sick husband.

You guessed friend is sick...oh and meanest wife of the year just called and I won!

I love you sweet man friend...please get better SOON!!!


  1. Oh geez. I totally know the feeling of being sympathizless. Sick husbands are the absolute WORST! Hang in there Mari-Catherine and I guess Dan too. There should be some kind of facility we can send our husbands to when they get sick so someone else can take care of them and we won't feel guilty.

  2. HA HA HA HA I totally know how you feel! Oh man I am laughing out loud right now! It is actually quite comical when men get sick. Cheers to being sympathizless!!!

  3. This must be a pretty common complaint, I am with ya 100 %. I must say that the majority of my sympathizeless feelings come from having to take care of them and the kids no matter who is sick...I just want a break! (I am sick today after caring for them being sick for the last least Willem says he'll take care of me..ha)
