Friday, September 24, 2010


So I decided last Sunday I was going to try and be homemakey (its totally a word). I've been wanting to make little lady a skirt so I up and did it, no pattern just winged it! It has many struggles, but I did it and learned a lot along the way, such as....

Patterns are there to make life easy
Measuring might be helpful
Winging it from an existing skirt isn't always smart
Feeding elastic is extremely tedious (and totally the WORST part, anyone have an easier way?)
I have SO much to learn about sewing and being homemakey :)

I made it from vintage sheets I grew up sleeping on and and old t-shirt!

played with PS a lot...they are supposed to look golden and sunny like :) I love this light A LOT!

I'm totally up for making more...anyone want to come get your craft on with me?


  1. super cute mc. hopefully soon after i get this newborn thing down i can come over and sew. can't tell you enough how much i loved the boy's pics. you pick a day next week except wednesday and friday. probably around 1-1:30 ( yeah i know it's lauren's naptime) and we can finish amelia.

  2. Way cute. I just started sewing lessons but I kinda suck...
